Dr. Zhiyong Fan (范智勇)
Chair Professor
Co-director of State Key Laboratory on Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies
IEEE Senior Member
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Fellow of Optica (formly OSA)
Academician of the Asia Pacific Academy of Materials (APAM)
Founding Member of Young Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong
Member of Energy Institute, HKUST
Associate Director of Materials Characterization & Preparation Facility
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
2022 Xplorer Prize (科學探索獎) Awardee
Office: 2523, Academic Building
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Email: eezfan@ust.hk; Tel: 2358-8027 |

Prof. Zhiyong Fan is a Chair Professor at the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering and Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. He received B.S. and M. S. degrees from Fudan University, PhD degree from University of California, Irvine in 2006 then worked as a postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 2007~2010. He joined Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2010. Currently, he is the founding Director of Center on Smart Sensors and Environmental Technologies, Co-director of the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Display and Optoelectronics Technologies at HKUST, Associate Director of Materials Fabrication and Preparation Facility of HKUST, and Associate Director of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Laboratory for Intelligent Micro-Nano Optoelectronic Technology. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow of Optica, Senior Member of IEEE, Academician of the Asia Pacific Academy of Materials, and Founding Member of the Young Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong. He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Semiconductors. He has won a number of awards, including 2022 Tencent Xplorer Prize, 2022 HKBOC Science and Technology Innovation Prize, Shandong Natural Science Second Prize, 2022 and 2020 Top 10 Research Progress on Semiconductors in China, HKUST SENG Young Investigator Award, Outstanding Research Award, etc. His research interest is focused on functional nanomaterials and structures for electronic, optoelectronic and bionic electronic devices.
香港科技大學電子與計算機工程系講座教授,化學和生物工程學系講座教授,科技部先進顯示與光電子技術國家重點實驗室共同主任,香港科大智能傳感器與環境技術中心創始主任,粵港澳智能微納光電聯合實驗室副主任,美國光學會會士(FOSA),英國皇家化學會會士(FRSC),亞太材料科學院院士,IEEE高級會員,香港青年科學院創院院士, 中國材料研究學會納米材料與器件分會副秘書長,中國半導體旗艦期刊《半導體學報》副主編。復旦大學材料科學系本科和碩士,加州大學歐文分校材料科學博士。曾任加州大學伯克利分校電氣工程和計算機科學系博士後研究員,勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室博士後研究員。獲得多項獎項,包括加州大學BSAC傑出研究報告獎,香港科技大學工院傑出青年獎,傑出研究獎及香港科技大學校長獎及創新獎,山東省自然科學二等獎,2020中國半導體十大進展,2022騰訊科學探索獎,2022首屆中銀香港科技創新獎等。研究興趣集中在微納電子及光電子器件,仿生器件。 |
Research Assistant Professor
Yu Zhou (Joe)
Email: eeiamjoe@ust.hk
Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
Tsinghua University, China
B.Eng., Materials Science and Engineering, 2015
Tsinghua University, China

Postdoctoral Scholars
Swapnadeep Poddar (Deep)
Email: spoddar@connect.ust.hk
Title: Hong Kong Research Grant Council Postdoctoral Fellow
RGC Postdoctoral Fellow
Ph.D. Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2022
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
M.Phil. Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2018
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2016
Heritage Institute of Technology, India |

Zhenghao Long (Justin)
Email: zlongab@connect.ust.hk
Ph.D., Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2023
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
B.S. in Material physics, 2019
Fudan University, China |

Email: brianwang@ust.hk
Ph.D., Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics, 2023
Jilin University, China
M.S.,Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics, 2018
Jilin University, China
B.Eng., Electronics Science and Technology, 2015
Jilin University, China |

PhD Students
Wenying Tang (Wendy)
Email: wtangai@connect.ust.hk
B.S. in Microelectronic Science and Engineering, 2019
Nankai University, China |

Yang Cao (Bryan)
Email: bcaoaa@connect.ust.hk
B.S. Physics, 2019
Nanjing University, China |

Xiao Qiu (Sheldon)
Email: xqiuad@connect.ust.hk
B.Eng. in Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
Hefei University of Technology, China |

Wenhao Ye (Tyrion)
Email: wyeaf@connect.ust.hk
M.Phil. Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2020
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, China
B.Eng. in Electronic Science and Technology, 2018
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China |

Zhu'an Wan (Andrew)
Email: zwanad@connect.ust.hk
B.Eng. Optoelectronics Information Engineering, 2020
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China |

Yucheng Ding (Edward)
Email: yucheng.ding@connect.ust.hk
B.S. in Chemistry, 2020
Nanjing University, China |

Xiaofei Sun (Faye)
Email: xsunaz@connect.ust.hk
B.Eng. Opto-electronics Information Science and Engineering
(Optoelectronic Device), 2020
South China University of Technology, China |

Suman Ma (Sammy)
Email: smaan@connect.ust.hk
B.Eng. Communication Engineering, 2019
Southern University of Science and Technology, China |

Beitao Ren (Cruise)
Email: bren@connect.ust.hk
B.Eng. in Microelectronic Science and Engineering, 2020
Shenzhen University, China |

Weiqi Zhang (Vicki)
Email: wzhangcp@connect.ust.hk
B.Eng. in Optoelectronic Information Engineering, 2021
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China |

Shivam Kumar (Shivam)
Email: skumaraa@connect.ust.hk
B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering, 2020
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi |

Chak Lam Jonathan Chan (Jonathan)
Email: cljchanac@connect.ust.hk
B.Eng. in Electronic Engineering, 2020
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong |

Feng Xue (Evan)
Email: fxueab@connect.ust.hk
M.Eng. Electronic Science and Technology,2022
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
B.Eng. Electronic Science and Technology,2019
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) |

Zixi Wan (Cecile)
Email: zwanac@connect.ust.hk
M.Phil. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2022
Hong Kong Univerisity of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, China |

Xichao Tan (Leo)
Email: xtanao@connect.ust.hk
Master of Integrated Engineering, 2022
Tsinghua University, China
B.Eng. Opto-electronics Information Science and Engineering, 2019
South China University of Technology, China |

Ruochen Ding (Richard)
Email: rdingac@connect.ust.hk
B.Eng. Microelectronics Engineering, 2023
Southern University of Science and Technology, China |

Kaichen Wang (Catherine)
Email: kwangca@connect.ust.hk
B. Eng.Biological Science and Medical Engineering, 2023
Southeast University, China |

Rui Xu (Sabrina)
Email: rxuau@connect.ust.hk
B.S. in Pharmacy, 2023
East China University of Science and Technology, China |

Jianhao Zhao (Alex)
Email: jzhaocl@connect.ust.hk
M.S. Chemistry, 2023
Shanghaitech University&Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
B.Eng. Polymer materials and engineering, 2016
Sichuan University, China |

Xiaojiang Liu (Jimmy)
Email: xliugv@connect.ust.hk
B.Eng. Microelectronics, 2024
Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Ke Shen (Nick)
Email: ke.shen@connect.ust.hk
M.Sc. Optics and Photonics, 2024
Imperial College London, UK
B.Eng in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, 2022
University College London, UK |

MPhil Students
Research Assisant
Visiting Scholars
Summer Intern Students
Undergraduate Researchers
---LEUNG, Pok Man
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Former Group Members
In academia
--- Dr. Daquan Zhang(David)
Postdoc. (2020~2024), HKUST
Current position: Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大学), Shenzhen
--- Dr. Qianpeng Zhang(Gabriel)
Postdoc. (2019~2023), HKUST
Current position: Professor, Fudan University (复旦大学), Shanghai
--- Dr. Zhilong Song
Postdoc. (2018~2022), HKUST
Current position: Professor, Jiangsu University (江苏大学), Zhenjiang
Personal website: https://nyyj.ujs.edu.cn/info/1162/11593.htm
--- Dr. Xuzhou Jiang (Sam)
PhD (2011~2016), HKUST
Current position: Associate Professor, Sun Yat-sen University (中山大学), Guangzhou
Personal website: https://mse.sysu.edu.cn/teacher/194
--- Dr. Leilei Gu (Airan)
PhD (2011~2016), Postdoc. (2016~2020 Fall), HKUST
Current position: Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University (上海交通大学), Shanghai
Personal website: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LSzQN0cAAAAJ&hl=en
--- Dr. Yuanjing Lin (Angela)
PhD (2014~2018), Postdoc. (2018~2020 Fall), HKUST
Current position: Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology (南方科技大学), Shenzhen
Personal website: http://faculty.sustech.edu.cn/linyj2020/en/
--- Dr. Aashir Waleed
Ph.D., HKUST, 2017 Fall
Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan
Personal website: https://uet.edu.pk/faculties/facultiesinfo/facultyinfo?fac_id=1115
--- Dr. Xiaofang Pan (Rachel)
PhD (2011~2014, Co-supervised with Prof. Amine Bermak), HKUST
Current position: Associate Professor, Shenzhen University (深圳大学), China
Personal website: https://ceie.szu.edu.cn/info/1024/2527.htm
--- Dr. Yongcai Qiu
Postdoc. (2012~2013 Fall), HKUST
Current position: Professor, School of Environment and Energy, South China University of Technology (华南理工大学), China
Personal website: https://www2.scut.edu.cn/cese/2018/1031/c1494a293110/page.htm
--- Dr. Sheng Liu (Victor)
Postdoc. (2012~2013 Fall), HKUST
Current position: Associate Professor, Sun Yat-sen University (中山大学), China
Personal website: https://www.x-mol.com/groups/liu_sheng
--- Dr. Yunze Long (Logan)
Postdoc. (2010~2012 Fall), HKUST
Current position: Professor, College of Physics Science, Tsingdao University (青岛大学), China
Personal website: https://physics.qdu.edu.cn/info/1073/1733.htm
--- Jiaqi Chen (Jacky)
PhD (2014~2018, Co-supervised with Prof. Amine Bermak), HKUST
Current position: Postdoctoral Scholar, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
---Yuan Gao (George)
Ph.D., HKUST, 2017 Fall
Current position: Postdoctoral Scholar, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
--- Mohammad Mahdi Tavakoli (Mahdi)
Ph.D., HKUST, 2017 Fall
Current position: Postdoctoral Scholar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
---Siu-Fung Leung (Mark)
Ph.D. (2010~2016), HKUST
Current position: Research Scientist, Australian National University
--- Dr. Rui Yu (Rachel)
Postdoc. (2010~2012), HKUST
Current position: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis (ACMM), University of Sydney, Australia
--- Zhuo Chen (Paul)
M.Phil., HKUST, 2020 Fall
Current position: Ph.D., Cambridge University, UK
--- Haoning Tang (Gloria)
Undergraduate researcher at HKUST, 2013
Current position: Ph.D., Harvard University, USA
In industry
--- Zhesi Chen (Zachary)
PhD (2018-2022), HKUST
Current Position: Staff engineer, Primarius, Shanghai
--- Yuting Zhang (Carol)
PhD (2018-2022), HKUST
Current Position: Application and algorithm engineer, Huawei, China
--- Mutian Li (Max)
M.Phil. (2019-2021), HKUST
Current Position: Manager of Guangdong Yuecai Investment Holding Co., Ltd.
Website: https://www.utrust.net.cn/
--- Kwong-Hoi Tsui (Hoi)
PhD (2014-2019), HKUST
Current Position: Manager of CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories
Website: https://www.cmatesting.org
--- Chak Wing Yi (Chaky)
M.Phil., HKUST, 2018 Fall
Current position: Digital Analyst, Hang Seng Bank, Limited, Hong Kong
--- Matthew Kam
M.Phil., HKUST, 2018 Fall
Current position: Medical Physicist, RIT Biotech Co.Ltd, Hong Kong
--- Lei Tang (Larry)
M.Phil., HKUST, 2017 Fall
Current position: Product Manager, AfterShokz, China
--- Alessandro Calo (Alex)
M. Phil., HKUST, 2017 Spring
Current Position: Senior Management Consultant, KPMG, China
--- Qingfeng Lin (Ethan)
Ph.D., HKUST, 2014 Spring
Current position: Amazon, USA
--- Bo Hua (Gimpel)
M.Phil., HKUST, 2012 Spring
Current position: Application Engineer LA-Tencor, China
--- Xi Liu (Brian)
M.Phil., HKUST, 2014 Fall
--- Miao Yu (Matthew)
M.Phil. (2010~2012), HKUST
Current position: Co-founder of Qingdao Junada Co. Ltd.
Company website: http://www.qdjunada.com/
--- Fung Mei Cheung (Shelton)
M.Phil. (2019~2022), HKUST